Project detail

Particularly effective for eliminating cellulite and fatty deposits, on legs, stomach, bottom and waist. Has a cooling effect when applied due to natural evaporation. Firms the skin, reduces swelling and heaviness.

Project infor

Codice Prodotto GEN0014 500ml - GEN0060 12cmx4,5m
Codice Prodotto 2 GEN0089 20cmx4,5m

1)    shake well before use;
2)    pour the necessary amount of the product into the container adding an equal amount of cold water;
3)    place the unrolled bandages in the cold water, wring well then place in the solution, which is to be completely absorbed. Wring before ap-plication;
4)    apply the bandages to the body where desired, without leaving any areas uncovered and wait for 30/40 minutes;
5)    during this time, the customer will feel a cold sensation on the area being treated. This sensation will continue for approximately two hours, without causing any discomfort.
FREQUENCY OF APPLICATION: this treatment should be repeated 2-3 times a week. It has no side-effects and may be used by everyone, even on a daily basis.
N.W. This treatment is most effective if carried out whilst standing. In special cases the amount of solution used may be increased.


Si tratta di una lozione a base di estratti vegetali. La sua benefica azione è particolarmente adatta per il trattamento della cellulite e delle adiposità in varie parti del corpo: gambe, glutei, pancia, girovita. Provoca come reazione un raffreddamento delle parti trattate, dovuto all’evaporazione naturale. Contribuisce al rassodamento dei tessuti migliorando l’aspetto estetico delle gambe che soffrono di gonfiore e senso di pesantezza.