With the passing of time, variations in weight, hot baths, etc... the skin starts to loose tone and elasticity. Phyto Sintesi has developed this range of special body firming products with precious components that effectively reactivate fibers and give new elasticity.


Project detail

A delicate collagen based cream for the hands and nails. Nourishes, protects and restructures. Pro-tects the hands from external agents. Absorbs quickly by the skin leaving a delicate perfume and covers the hands with an invisible film which blocks from external agents. A true beauty treatment with nourishing and softening properties for the skin's wellness and to have a velvety effect.

Project infor

Codice Prodotto PHY0036 500ml
Codice Prodotto 2 HY0037 100ml

APPLICATION: Apply daily with a gentle massage to stimulate the circulation starting from the fingertips to the ankle.


Questa crema per i piedi è particolarmente indicata per ammorbidire gli inspessimenti dell’epidermide. La presenza del mentolo e del timo atte- nua il sudore ed i cattivi odori e restituisce alla pelle la sua elasticità, do- nando un immediato sollievo ed una piacevole sensazione di freschezza. Ottima per piedi stanchi ed affaticati.