Essential oils, essences or etheric oils, are mixtures of aromatic substances produced by many plants and present in the form of tiny droplets in leaves, fruit peel, resin, branches, and wood. They are soluble in oil and alcohol, but not in water, to which they transmit their aroma. Oils have been used for thousands of years for their antiseptic, anti-toxic, heeling, anti-parasite, anti-neuralgia, toning, antispasmodic, stimulant, and hormonal properties. The oils and the carrier cream support the pure essence with which they form a single substance. The base oils are almond, wheat germ, avocado, and jojoba oils. The carrier cream is made of totally pure, neutral substances, which allows the essences to penetrate rapidly. Application: before coming into contact with the skin, the essences should be diluted with an oil or with the Phyto Sintesi carrier cream. No more than 10 drops per day should be used.
1)    for external use only;
2)    avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes;
3)    do not apply undiluted essential oils directly to skin;
4)    avoid exposure to sun after applying essential oils;
5)    for persons with allergies, it is advisable to apply a drop of essential oil inside the forearm behind the elbow and wait 24 hours;
6)    keep out of reach of children;
7)    the following oils are to be avoided during pregnancy: sage, thyme, juniper, mint, rose, rosemary.


Project detail

Sweet almond oil has a light yellow color and is a classic carrier oil for massages. It is odorless and contains about 15% essential fat acids. It penetrates the skin easily, nourishing and repairing it. Sweet almond oil is good for all skin types but it is particularly effective in the treatment and massage of dry, sensitive and chapped skin. It is also useful for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy. Excellent as hair softening treatment.

Project infor

Codice Prodotto PON085 300 ml.
Codice Prodotto 2 PON0086 1000ml Cod. PON9015 5000ml

Puro, senza conservanti, nè profumi. L'olio di mandorle è un classico olio base per il massaggio. penetra nella pelle con facilità esercitando una funzione nutriente e tonificante. L'olio di mandorle si adatta a tutti i tipi di pelle, viene utilizzato in particolare per la cura e il massaggio dell'epidermide secca, fragile e screpolata, molto utile per prevenire le smagliature in gravidanza o durante regimi dimagranti. Si consiglia di applicare sulle zone critiche come seno fianchi e cosce. Ottimo come impacco ammorbidente per i capelli. Indicato come olio base in Aromaterapia.