Rosacea is a skin blemish that affects mostly the face between the cheekbones and nose wings which appear with red patches resulting from the dilation of blood vessels given by 'excessive porosity and fragility of the capillaries. This redness is caused from the dilation of small blood vessels, which constitute a rendered more or less evident from the pattern of blood stagnation. The skin reddens easily in the event of changes in temperature or exposure to the sun. Initially redness occurs transiently to arise and persist longer and longer over the years. Rosacea requires cosmetic treatments aimed at protecting the delicate skin from external agents. Phitofarma has formulated the Rosacea Range based on extracts of calendula with excellent decongestant properties, soothing and anti-reddening.
MARIGOLD: The herbal use of this plant stimulates the repair of skin tissue in case of wounds, burns, abrasions, chilblains. Calendula optimizes the circulation of the skin, thus improving the tropism addition to expressing bacteriostatic activity. The anti-inflammatory and immunestimulating properties are attributable to the high amount of carotenoids in marigold flowers while the essential oil has recognized antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral benefits. The content of flavonoids provide emollient, soothing and refreshing properties. Highly recommended for dry, sensitive, chapped, and easily reddened skin. Also recommended as a pre-sun protective treatment and soothing after-sun treatment.


Project detail

Maschera specifica per rimuovere dal viso impurità e cellule morte. Grazie all’azione esfoliante ed idratante degli AHA ridona lucentezza e luminosità alla pelle attenuandone imperfezioni e segni del tempo. Caolino e biossido di titanio aiutano ad assorbire il sebo in eccesso.

Project infor

Codice Prodotto PHY0408 vaso 50
Codice Prodotto 2 PHY0409 vaso 250

Si utilizza, in base al tipo di pelle, una o più volte alla settimana. Pelle secca: una volta alla settimana. Pelle normale: due volte alla setti- mana soprattutto sulla zona T del viso.

Pelle grassa/acneica: a giorni alterni. Dopo la consueta pulizia, stendere il prodotto (evitando il contorno occhi) su viso e collo, lasciando in posa da 5 a 10 minuti, quindi sciac- quare abbondantemente con acqua tiepida.