Camphor body massage cream restores the well-being of the body and relaxes the mind gi-ving vitality to the skin.
This camphor massage oil has a draining action which helps circulation, giving a pleasant fee-ling of well-being, to tired and heavy legs. An ankle to calf massage is recommended. Parti-cularly effective for physiotherapy treatments.
Questa lozione ha la capacità di migliorare la tonicità e l’elasticità dei tessuti cutanei. Ottima come olio da massaggio, risulta maggiormente efficace se usata nella sauna o con la termocoperta. Ha infatti la prerogativa di schiudere i pori favorendo, così, la perdita di acqua. Può essere integrata con gli altri Trattamenti Dimagranti.
High quality blend of natural oils suitable for body massage. Combats dryness of the skin and has a toning and balmy action. An excellent after-sun treatment. It is recommended for both professional use combined with the desired cream as well as for daily skincare. Due to its spe-cial composition is easily adsorbed.