The Mandelic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid extracted from bitter almonds. It was experimented in the treatment against the most common cases of skin imperfections, such as photo aging, uneven pigmentation and acne.
The new Mandelic acid line by Vita Pelle, proved to be an effective ally for skin renewing; thanks to its exfoliating, peeling and delicate action, it soothes and reactivates epidermis cells.
It was also proved to clarify freckles more rapidly than common alpha hydroxy acids, thanks to its non-photosensitizer nature. The Mandelic acid can be used during the whole year, independently from the phototype, as there is no risk of hyperpigmentation.
With the use of this line, the skin will be visibly smoothed, renewed and small blemishes will be attenuated.passare il tonico e risciacquare.
2. Applicare la lozione pre-peeling, massaggiare delicatamente con la punta delle dita e risciacquare.
3. Applicare il peeling Acido Mandelico 30% sull’area da trattare (no contorno occhi) e a seconda della sensibilità della pelle, lasciare agire per 5-10 minuti e risciacquare accuratamente.
4. Applicare una crema idratante, decongestionante (Crema Vita E o Crema alla Calendula) come un impacco e dopo averla lasciata in posa 10-15 minuti rimuovere delicatamente con delle veline.
5. La Crema Acido Mandelico al 15% può essere usata come mantenimento a domicilio e applicata dopo 5/6 giorni dal primo trattamento, in seguito una volta a settimana oppure 10 giorni a seconda della sensibilità della pelle (verrà valutata dall’estetista). Anche la Crema deve essere lasciata 10-15 minuti e poi risciacquata.
6) Applicare necessariamente una crema protettiva di fattore elevato (Phytosun spf 50+).


Project detail

This cream counteracts the damage of oxidative stress caused by air pollution and electromagnetic radiation. The interaction of innovative active ingredients such COBIO­DEFENDER EMR which focuses on reducing the damage caused by exposure to electro­magnetic radiation and BOREALINE® PROTECT, a powerful antioxidant, provide a barrier effect against air pollution. The natural ingredients such as shea butter, apricot butter,
pomegranate oil along with Rose Hip and multiple plant extracts including burdock, ginseng, echinacea, protect from excessive production of free radicals and prevent ageing while hydrating throughout the day.
Suitable for all skin types with its light and soft texture. The presence of ingredients of vege­table origin and sunscreen ensure this cream is tolerated even by the most sensitive skins.

Project infor

Codice Prodotto VIT0002
Note: 30 ml
Applicazione Vitapelle

Application: apply on skin and neck with circular movements until completely absorbed.